Cybersecurity Quiz: Test Your Knowledge! 🛡️💻🔒

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question. Good luck!

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question. Good luck!

1. What is a Firewall?

  • A. A physical barrier for server protection

  • B. Software or hardware that blocks unauthorized access

  • C. A tool for monitoring network traffic

  • D. A type of malware

2. Which of these is a common type of phishing attack?

  • A. Spear phishing

  • B. Octopus attack

  • C. Python invasion

  • D. Byte baiting

3. What does ‘Encryption’ mean in cybersecurity?

  • A. Erasing data permanently

  • B. Converting data into a secure format

  • C. Detecting network intrusions

  • D. Creating backup files

4. What is a ‘VPN’ used for in cybersecurity?

  • A. Speeding up internet connection

  • B. Creating a private network over a public internet connection

  • C. Virus protection

  • D. Password management

5. Which of these is considered a strong password?

  • A. 12345678

  • B. yourname123

  • C. Fluffy#123

  • D. XyZ!9@#fR3!

6. What is ‘Social Engineering’ in the context of cybersecurity?

  • A. Building social networks

  • B. Manipulating people into revealing confidential information

  • C. Engineering social media algorithms

  • D. Coding for social media platforms

7. What is ‘Two-Factor Authentication’ (2FA)?

  • A. Using two passwords

  • B. Verifying a user’s identity with two different methods

  • C. A double encryption technique

  • D. Two-step data deletion

8. Which of these is NOT a type of malware?

  • A. Ransomware

  • B. Adware

  • C. Freeware

  • D. Spyware

9. What is the purpose of ‘Anti-Virus Software’?

  • A. To speed up your computer

  • B. To monitor internet usage

  • C. To protect against and remove malicious software

  • D. To manage emails

10. What is ‘Biometric Security’?

  • A. A security protocol for biological research

  • B. Using physical characteristics for identification and access

  • C. A method for securing biometric data

  • D. A biologically engineered security system












Summary of Cybersecurity with the 5W’s:

Who: Cybersecurity involves everyone — from individuals to large corporations and governments.

What: It’s the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.

Why: These attacks usually aim to access, change, or destroy sensitive information, extort money from users, or interrupt normal business processes.

How: Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative.

When: Cybersecurity is an ongoing process, evolving as technology and cyber threats evolve.

Where: Cybersecurity is essential in both the digital and physical realms, anywhere data is stored, processed, or transmitted.

Read more about tech here: 🔽 🔽 🔽

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